It’s National Nutrition Month: 3 Ways to Sneak Extra Nutrient-Rich Foods Into Your Senior’s Favorite Meals
Just a few simple additions like nuts and seeds or vitamins and supplements, can boost nutrition for older adults. Whether it’s their breakfast in the morning, their salad and soup for lunch, or their snacks throughout the day, there are plenty of opportunities to add in more nutrients to your loved one’s meals throughout the day. Here are the micro- and macronutrients you don’t want your senior to miss out on for better overall well-being.
Sprinkle In Nuts, Seeds & Legumes
Sprinkle on a few roasted sunflower seeds or pepitas (pumpkin seeds) on a slice of avocado toast or add in some pine nuts on top of your senior’s salad. Nuts and seeds are loaded full of zinc, iron, magnesium, and lots of healthy fats. And for the legumes, adding some cannellini, lima beans, or black beans can be a great addition to a hearty soup or on the side as extra protein for your loved one’s dinner. Plus, beans are loaded full of fiber and B vitamins, which are essential ingredients to help increase healthy gut bacteria.
Keep Prepped Snacks Ready
While this tip isn’t on the sneakier side, it’s smart to make it easy for your loved one to go for more nutrient rich foods on their own. Keep some freshly washed and sliced bell peppers (or any other fruit and veggie) in clear containers in their fridge for quick access when hunger strikes. And if bell peppers aren’t their favorite, be sure to have plenty of produce available that they do enjoy. In this case, the best fruits and vegetables are the ones they will actually want to eat. Go for a rainbow of variety from tangerines and blackberries to carrots and beets. The more color, the higher levels of antioxidants, which help fight free radicals and slow down the aging process in the body.
Go for the Greens
If your senior is much more set in their ways, and getting in extra fibrous, nutrient-rich foods feels like it’s impossible, try something simple like a green supplement powder. Have them try it for themselves mixed into an ice water or blend a scoop of one of these delicious green powders into their morning smoothie. Some of these superfood supplements can even be added into baked goods – how deliciously sneaky is that?
Happy healthy eating for National Nutrition Month and beyond! Looking for some delicious recipe ideas that you can make for your loved one? Visit and follow along with our other Milestone Retirement Communities blogs for more lifestyle tips and healthy meals.